Monday, May 21, 2012

Easter eggs

Okey dokey. Easter was a while ago. I know it. We had a blast making eggs. We even had some weird ass eggs that came out naturally striped!! Cool!

This post should be interesting. I am writing it on my phone. It will be another example of how I make a mess of things, I think.
Anyways. I tried to make the fancy marbled eggs I've seen online. Yes. Pinterest.
The kids ones turned out. At least I didn't fuck theirs all up. Mine totally didn't work. Yes, a two year old was much better than me at making eggs. All is right with the world.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I just wanted to share that occasionally when I cook there is a serious cluster fuck that happens.
I end up cooking in the middle of an episode of hoarders.
Whatever, clean as ya go folks.
I know I'm in trouble when the four inch square cutting board has no room on the counter.  And the worst part is that I get more and more pissed off as I go; but stopping to clean up - not until I'm done cooking.  Which means crab ass mom.
Bon Appetit!