Monday, November 26, 2012

The Truth about How to Fix Your Cracked Heels

I love this post.  I hate this post.  I am going to discuss something utterly repulsive. Totally gross.  Way too much information to share - but I have to because no one else is. Please be forewarned.  As my gross out levels rise I will definitely be cussing more and more as well.  This big space is intentional so that you can leave before viewing any disgusting pictures - if you want.  It's not like dismembered bodies or anything.  But it is gross.

After a long summer of polish after pedicure, I decided to take off my toenail polish to give my nails a breather.  Well, imagine my horror when I saw this...
Okay, so those aren't my toenails...  You seriously can't blame me for not taking photos of my parasite infested toes...  I felt shame.  But the one on the right is about what my big toe fucking looked like.
My heart about dropped through the floor.  I was disgusted...

So I immediately went to the drug store and got this...

Are you like me?  Does that image on the box lead you to believe that this is a product to get rid of toenail fungus?  Yes, well it's not.  In tiny print on the inside it says it can't penetrate the nail.  Hmm.  Fucking assholes.

I used an emory board to file off all of the fungus infected nail.  The good news was that it was not so infected that the fungus had penetrated beneath the nail.  THANK THE FUCKING LORD!  I think I would have to kill myself if I had fungus feet.  Seriously disturbing to me.  So disturbing that I am taking mercy on your soul and not including any pictures of them.  Because they scare the crap out of me.  Even before all of this.... is where things get interesting.  My heels have been cracked and yucky looking for at least 15 years.  I figured that it was part of getting older and grosser, like the whole older = harrier thing.   About 5 years ago, my toes even started to crack.  These aren't my feet, but this was about my level of cracking...

Not too terribly gross.  Because god forbid you do a google image search for this shit.  I am about ready to barf.  I feel so sorry for any poor soul who really has terrible cracks in their feet that bleed.  And people are fucking wrong about why it happens - because it's not fucking dry skin people!!!

 After filing my nails 2x a day for a week and applying the fungi cure on the nails and around the nails I had the weirdest surprise.  I got out of the shower and was drying my toes super carefully.  I proceeded to peel the skin off of my toes like peeling a hard boiled egg.  I shit you not.  So satisfying and so disgusting.

I immediately called my poor, long suffering husband and told him that I thought that the cracking on my feet was caused by fungus, not dry feet.  I also told him that I was going to do a test and start putting my fungi cure all over my feet to see if it took care of the cracks.  (I then did some research on google that backed up this theory.  Okay, hypothesis for the science nerds who are reading this.)

Guess what??  I was fucking right.  I am so pissed off at all the stupid pins that are like - just put lotion on and use a pumice.  Or soak your heels in vinegar and then pumice them.  (BTW, I did that about 10 years ago and never EVER do that.  The acid in the vinegar can over-dissolve your callouses and skin and it is fucking PAINFUL.)  So even though I was too disgusted with myself to take any before pictures, I do want to share my after photos.  They aren't perfect, but hot damn, these feet haven't looked this good since I was 18.  These photos were taken after a shower, with no lotion or any kind of anything on my feet.

 See?  The white looking areas are parts where I think that there is fungus still.

 As you can see - my callouses are still there.  They just aren't white and crusty looking.  The cracks like almost turned themselves inside out - and my feet were definitely warmer during this process.  And to think that so many people are gooping lotion over flakey skin that is half fungus anyway.

BTW, if somebody says your heel cracks are from flip flops - my ass they are.  It's from NOT wearing flip flops in the shower.  So don't rip on me when you see me at the pool wearing these.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What the fuck?!?

Dude. Don't let me back up your new fucking car. I wish someone would have stopped me from backing up my new car. Motherfucking shit. Seriously.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Scary toilet paper tubes!!!

This is an idea for Halloween from Pinterest. You save up paper towel and toilet paper rolls, cut eyes out and then put in a glow stick and put the thing in the bushes to make it look like eyes are staring at you out of the bushes. Scary and awesome.
After the pictures of how these are supposed to look are how mine look.
Hot damn. I never got past keeping garbage on my counter for a few months. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for not hoarding the garbage to not do this again next year. Small steps, people. Small steps!!!