Saturday, April 7, 2012

Motherfucking shit!

So another clever idea from Pinterest.  Fucking Pinterest.  (Yes, that is it's real name.  Pinterest.  Fucking pinterest.)
Soooo  we love bubbles around here.  At least the two kids love fucking bubbles.  I'm not sure why the little one does - he ends up eating a lot of bubbles and swallowing the solution instead of blowing a bubble.  It makes me feel sick to my stomach just thinking of it.
Anyways - inevitably, tons of bubble solution ends up being spilled on the deck.  I've tried the "spill-less" buckets.  My ass.  The kid can't get the wand into the bucket because the slot is tiny, and he ends up putting rocks, etc into there and ruining the bubbles anyway.  Then his mission becomes to shake it and hold it and figure out how to take the top off to get the bubbles out.
He prefers the bubble guns but pouring the bubbles into the trays means that a half a gallon of bubbles is gone in one refill attempt.  (Don't start with me about refilling the bubbles for him  - the explanations are lengthy and would be baloney anyway.  I need a rest dammit.)

I came across this gem.

I decided to try it.
When I found the ice tea jugs - they were like $30.  And glass.  I make some dumb mistakes, but even I know better than that.  Also, I needed a screw on lid, not one that just rests on top.
Shazam!  I found the perfect one at Big Lots.   And it was $3.   I love Big Lots.  (What the hell?  I know it's a bunch of crap, but I love it anyway.)  Then I had my 6 year old try to push the button on it.  Well, she could not - so there was no way that the almost 3 year old could.  Shitballs.

Then I found another one for $10.  Problems.  It was glass.
 It had a set on top instead of one that screwed on.  I figured I could do a win/win and buy the glass one for myself for parties and the $3 one for the kids for bubbles.   My poor 6 year old.  I plopped myself in the middle of the aisle with the drink containers.  I then proceeded to take the nozzles off of them to make sure that they would fit on the other one.  She was mortified and wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to just trade the nozzles and buy one and not the other.  (I guess I am doing something right if that mattered to her.  Phew.)  It worked!  I bought them both and some dixie cups to fill with bubble solution.

Yes, I don't understand the cow on there.  And yes, these photos were taken after I had changed the spigots.

So this entry is one part stick it to the man.  Target can suck it.  I got what I wanted for less than the $150 that I would have spent going to Target.  (no, I have not mastered the impulse purchasing there.)

Here is the epic fail part.  The almost three year old doesn't really give a shit what is in the jug with the cool faucet part.  His mission is ALWAYS to completely empty it.  (facepalm)  sigh.

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