Monday, August 27, 2012

An Oldie but a Goodie

Alrighty then.; It's been a while.  I have excuses coming out the ying yang.; Suffice it to say - two kids, summer, tons of travel. A three year old who is hell bent on destroying himself and everything else.

Anyhoo - this is a crafting fail that is old; This is before pinterest. (Maybe I haven't seen this crafting idea on pinterest for a reason.)

The idea came from Woman's Day or Family Circle or some other magazine that I hate admitting that I subscribe to.Here is the idea. Take some old glass jars - bell jars, other jars, etc and then put beads on them to make beautiful luminaries for the deck and yard; You use wire to string the beads festively about the jars and they are beautiful and lovely and magical and glowing.
Anyways, I took a lot of time and wrapped beautiful silver and blue beads around my jars.I took care with the jars to make sure they were interesting and varied shapes.(Yeah, that's a Pace jar. Big fucking deal.)

So I have had these fucking these hanging up and have used them a few times.I even bought the fake tea lights to go into them, so if we had such a magical evening inspired by the glowing, beautiful, handmade (by me!) lights they would not burn the damn deck and house down.

Well, need I say they got grimy and yucky from hanging outside and I was too damn lazy to take them down every time and then store them somewhere.They got dirty and gross.And they were ugly.So ugly that I got two separate people asking me if they were home made wasp traps. Fucking shit - can't they see the crafting genius at work in them?!?!

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