Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pot Roast - Hell yes!!

Okay! If you look at the picture, you're probably all- gfy Leslie that pot roast looks good. And it was. Fuck yeah!

Here's the part that makes it perfect for gfy. I bought the roast at the grocery that day- it was on clearance. That afternoon I started to brown the outside. It was happily sizzling away and I was thinking it was going to be great.
Anybody who's ever made a pot roast knows that three extra ingredients are needed. Carrots, onions and celery. At least I knew this because I always make the joy of cooking recipe.
So back to delicious sizzling. I go to the fridge and what is missing?!? Carrots and onions. I totally brain farted and forgot to purchase them at the store. What. The. Fuck.
Thank god for onion soup mix. It was a decent pot roast. Btw, first time I EVER was able to not overcook it and end up with grey meat. I guess I just can't have it all - but still, missing two out of three of the trinity?!? See I am almost as good at cooking as I am at sewing.

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