Friday, June 4, 2010

Decorating GFY Martha Style

Some people fantasize about celebrities. Some formulate the most delicious and nutritious lunch for their kids - ala hidden carrots Seinfeld. I just fantasize about how I would decorate my rooms if I had a limitless budget to use at Ballard Designs. (My sister Mel thinks that Ballard Designs has "the ugliest furniture in the world.")
Here is the fantasy

Here is the cost - not including paint and possibly a new rug...

Here is the result. It is a $50 closet organizer from Target. It works. It is not pretty, but I don't want to hurt its feelings, so I tell myself it is.


  1. HA! This reminds me a lot of our entire house building project. Figure out exactly what we want..tabulate cost...scratch that, figure out what we can afford, subtract 15%, call it a day!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
