Thursday, June 24, 2010

You Think You're so Smart, Lysol!

Oh Lysol. You really thought when I bought your touchless soap dispenser for $9.99 that every time I needed a refill I would be on the hook for $4.99.

Well, I've learned my lesson from my sonic toothbrush...
So, when I run out of soap, which is like every two minutes because you are under-generous with the sizing, I refill it my damn self. I use the medicine syringe from Walgreens as my funnel

and a big ole water syringe that we got in the ER for cleaning out cuts

to push my $1.98 a gallon refill soap into your fancy bottle.

It is a little jobby, but it feels so good to stick it to you, Lysol, that it is totally worth it.

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